
The Rapid Shelter Innovation Showcase

The Rapid Shelter Innovation Showcase Picture1 Housing Innovation Collaborative

The largest live database of rapidly-deployable shelter solutions in the world.


On a mission to end the unsheltered crisis in America, & beyond

When disaster strikes – whether it is a global pandemic, a natural disaster, or a homelessness crisis – one basic human necessity is always in short supply: a safe place to sleep. This is shelter for our bravest men and women – fighting fires, protecting and rebuilding communities, serving their country – working at the frontlines in the face of adversity. This is shelter for our most vulnerable populations – for our loved ones recovering outside the emergency room, for our neighbors who have lost their homes, for the refugees who have nowhere else to go. This is home, for now…

The Housing Innovation Collaborative, a nonprofit housing R&D platform is showcasing this list of solutions as a resource for local governments around the world. Presented solutions are subject to HICo’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Featured in The Rapid Shelter Innovation Showcase De3726aa6343b246362d0e13d8adfb29 300x110 Housing Innovation Collaborative  • The Rapid Shelter Innovation Showcase Logo Fast Company 300x56 Housing Innovation CollaborativePicture4 Housing Innovation Collaborative


Days to Setup:

A nonprofit public benefit initiative supporting:

Picture1 Housing Innovation Collaborative

Have a shelter solution to share?

We welcome any and all rapidly-deployable shelter designs from anyone, anywhere – submit your design by clicking below