
Rapid Shelter

Rapid Shelter

When disaster strikes – whether it is a global pandemic, a natural catastrophe, or a homelessness crisis, one basic human necessity is always in short supply – a safe place to sleep.

The demand for temporary shelter continues to increase. It is estimated that over 100 Million people are forcibly displaced by conflict and violence or because of natural or hazardous disasters. There are currently an estimated 70 million refugees worldwide. The applications for rapid and temporary shelter range from sheltering first responders and victims after natural disasters to housing our most vulnerable populations – including refugees to our homeless neighbors.

Many of the solutions for rapid and temporary shelter have not changed in 100 years, but there are many innovative concepts in the early stages of implementation, providing cost-effective, quality housing in record time.


  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Housing Innovation Collaborative
  • Blokable Housing Innovation Collaborative
  • Gensler Housing Innovation Collaborative
  • Future of Shelter (FOS) Housing Innovation Collaborative

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