
Brilliant Corners

Brilliant Corners


Founded in 2004, Brilliant Corners provides housing and housing-related services to those transitioning from or at risk of homelessness or institutionalization. With offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, the Inland Empire, San Diego, and San Mateo, Brilliant Corners develops, owns, and manages multi-family supportive housing and licensed residential care homes. Additionally, they implement a broad array of scattered-site, one-on-one supportive housing, and clinical case management programs through partnerships with developmental services, homeless services, veterans’ services, and health care sectors.

The Los Angeles Case Management Department at Brilliant Corners includes both Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Rehousing programs and is supported by Housing for Health (HFH) at the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS). The Permanent Supportive Housing program was designed to serve individuals experiencing homelessness who have a chronic illness or physical disability, and/or are high utilizers of DHS services. The goal is to transition individuals out of homelessness and into permanent housing, to obtain stability in all areas of their lives.

Highlighted Program:

Launched in 2014 as a public/private partnership and led by the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS), the FHSP (or simply “Flex Pool”) has housed over 7,000 people since its inception. Operated by Brilliant Corners, the Flex Pool combines rent subsidies, landlord engagement, pinpointed tenant/landlord matching, and ongoing tenant services and intensive case management – with Brilliant Corners acting as the fiscal intermediary, including administering the rental subsidy and providing tenancy supports. The Flex Pool helps move 200 people out of homelessness and into permanent homes every month.



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